What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus (any sound you can hear that is not coming from the environment) loudness and annoyance can be reduced, and some people report they can get rid of it completely.
Likewise, reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis, recruitment, misophonia, phonophobia) can also be managed and reduced.
Tinnitus is heterogenous so there are many different causes and presentations. The tinnitus you hear, and its triggers can be very different to someone else's. That's why a Google search can lead to frustration and even louder tinnitus!
So what works for you might not work for others, but there are various strategies that can assist in tinnitus reduction, some of which we've known about for 70 years! Using demystification, neuroplasticity, and cognitive behavioural (CBT) and somatic therapy, you can gain some control back from your hearing system.
Hann Audiology can help you make sense of these auditory system disorders, support you to find out what is underpinning them, and provide strategies and management advice to help you reduce their loudness and annoyance.
Recommendations are based on sound scientific principles and over 20 years of experience, through a holistic lens. We don't claim to be able to fix everyone's tinnitus, but we can help most, sometimes quite successfully.
About Duncan Hann
Duncan is a Senior Clinical Audiologist from New Zealand Aotearoa, with over twenty years of experience helping people reduce the loudness and annoyance of Tinnitus.
Duncan used to suffer from severe tinnitus from playing professionally in bands which led to a Master's in Audiology, specifically in tinnitus management. He also has moderate hearing loss and uses hearing aids.
Duncan has extensive experience in most areas of adult and paediatric diagnostic and rehabilitative Audiology and can help adults as well as children with tinnitus and hyperacusis. Duncan is also available for consultancy about any hearing related matters.
Full member of the New Zealand Audiological Society - since 2003
Master of Audiology, University of Auckland, NZ
Thesis in Music as Tinnitus Sound Therapy
Published research in Tinnitus
Hann, D., Searchfield, G., Sanders, M., Wise, K., 'Strategies for the Selection of Music in the Short-Term Management of Mild Tinnitus' Nov 2008, A/NZ Journal of Audiology 30(2):129-140
Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Tutor
Master of Audiology Programme University of Canterbury, NZ
Facilitator of the NZ Tinnitus Community of Practice
Member of discussion panel on Tinnitus
NZ Audiological Society Conference, 2024
Expert Advisor to Healthpathways NZ re Tinnitus
Expert Advisor to Best Practice Advocacy Centre NZ re Tinnitus
Past Examiner for the NZ Audiological Society.
Past Charge Audiologist at Christchurch Hospital.
Past member of the NZ Newborn Hearing Screening Programme Implementation Steering Group
Bachelor of Science degree at University of Canterbury, NZ
Psychology (neuro and behavioural), Cell Physiology and Zoology.